Bruster's Real Ice Cream Coupons

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Bruce Reed, the founder of Bruster's is a real ice cream guy. You can see it in his eyes and sometimes you can see it in his beard too! If you think real hard about it, you might be able to figure out where the name came from. Anyway, back in 1989, Bruce opened his first store in Bridgewater, Pennsylvania. People came from miles around to enjoy the tasty treats that Bruce made right in the shop. Now there are Bruster's Real Ice Cream shops all over the country. And every one of them has two things in common. They are all owned by people, like Bruce, who are truly passionate about ice cream. And they all make their fresh ice creams, cakes, pies, and even waffle cones right inside their stores. If you read this far in the About Us section of the site, you're probably passionate about ice cream too, or you have a lot of time on your hands. Either way, treat yourself.